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Brand identity and repositioning of a 19th-century baronial mansion turned hotel & spa based in Aberdeen.

The Challenge

After recently deflagging the property from a large hotel chain and tackling various post COVID issues, Ardoe needed a fresh start. The new owner’s wanted to relaunch the hotel to the local market in Aberdeen and attract a more diverse mix of domestic and international visitors. 


With the aim to restore the hotel’s historic reputation we focused on Ardoe’s unique selling points and confirming their target audience. The hotel has a history deep rooted in creating lasting memories. From royal visits to local weddings, over time these moments become part of the clients and the hotels story and this sentiment is at the core of the new brand positioning.

A new identity

We drew inspiration from the property’s many unique features, from the colour palette to typography the brand reflects Ardoe’s historic past now presented in a modern way. The new brand reclaims the hotel’s identity and sets the foundation for its future. A set of comprehensive guidelines were created for the hotel’s internal team to assist with the role out of the brand touchpoints.

A new suite of photography was commissioned to capture the estate and support the relaunch of the new website, social channels and digital marketing goals.

What We Do

We strip back the unnecessary and untangle the complex. Behind every creative project, there is a collaborative process and solid creative strategy built to deliver meaningful impact.

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