See Yellow; Think SHINE
Recently you may have seen a number of yellow pictures “shining” out in your Twitter or Facebook feed. If not, you probably aren’t following us…yet…
Why yellow pictures? Well if you remember reading our blog about branding, we talked about our brand image and how ‘yellow’ is kind of our thing. We love it. Yellow is such a happy colour and we want our clients to be happy when they think of SHINE.
Recently we got to thinking about how we could do this. We wanted our branding to be so strong that when people see yellow in everyday life, they will associate it with SHINE. We have started to share images with yellow in them, using #seeyellowthinkshine. The images are designed to cheer you up when you see them and make you smile when you think of SHINE. So that’s the method behind the yellow madness.
So, the next time you see daffodils (which should be often as they are everywhere at the moment) – think of SHINE.
The next time you see yellow post-it notes – think of SHINE.
And the next time you see an all-yellow bicycle (?!!) – think of SHINE.
Keep an eye out for anything yellow, picture or object, and send it in to us by post, email, tweet us or use #seeyellowthinkshine on social media. We would love to hear from you.
We have loads of ideas for this campaign, including upcoming events and competitions, so be sure to follow us on social media if you aren’t already. Our new marketer also loves Pinterest and this will be used more by SHINE in the coming weeks.